A beautifully arranged Tarot spread featuring The Sun, The Chariot, The Queen of Wands, Strength, and The Magician—since these are confidence-boosting cards.

How to Use Tarot to Overcome Self-Doubt

We’ve all been there—those moments when self-doubt sneaks in and whispers, Who do you think you are? Suddenly, you’re questioning everything, from your abilities to your worth. But here’s the thing: that voice? It’s not the truth. And Tarot? It’s one of the best tools to help you quieten that inner critic and step into your power.

Tarot isn’t just about predicting the future—it’s about reconnecting with the wisdom you already carry inside. When self-doubt clouds your judgment, the cards can bring clarity, reassurance, and a fresh perspective. So, let’s explore how you can use Tarot to kick self-doubt to the curb and start trusting yourself again.

Step 1: Get to the Root of Your Doubt

Before you even shuffle your deck, take a deep breath and set the intention to uncover what’s really behind your self-doubt. Ask yourself:

~ Where is this coming from?

~ Is it rooted in fear, past experiences, or external voices?

A simple one-card pull can bring immediate insight. Try asking, What energy is at the root of my self-doubt? Then, draw a card and reflect on its message.

A few examples:

~ The Devil – You might be caught in a loop of negative self-talk or limiting beliefs.

~ Five of Pentacles – Fear of failure or past struggles could be weighing you down.

~ The High Priestess – Your intuition is speaking, but self-doubt is making you second-guess it.

Want to go deeper? Try this three-card spread:

  1. What’s fuelling my self-doubt?
  2. How can I shift my perspective?
  3. What lesson can I take from this?

Jot down your insights in a journal. Over time, you’ll start to see patterns—and patterns are where the magic of self-awareness begins.

Step 2: Shift Your Perspective

Once you’ve pinpointed the source of your doubt, it’s time to flip the script. One of my favourite spreads for this is the Self-Doubt to Self-Belief Spread:

  1. What’s causing my self-doubt?
  2. What limiting belief do I need to release?
  3. What strengths am I overlooking?
  4. How can I embrace self-trust?
  5. A message from my higher self.

Writing down your insights helps reinforce positive thinking and reminds you of strengths you may have forgotten.

If you discover a limiting belief, counter it with an affirmation. Pulled The Moon (uncertainty, fear)? Try: I trust my inner wisdom and embrace the unknown with confidence. A little daily reinforcement goes a long way.

Step 3: Call in Confidence-Boosting Energy

Some Tarot cards practically radiate confidence. If you need a boost, ask: What energy should I embody today to feel more self-assured? Then, pull a card.

Cards that exude self-belief:

  • The Sun – Own your brilliance and let yourself shine.
  • The Chariot – Move forward with determination. You’ve got this.
  • Queen of Wands – Channel fierce self-assurance and passion.
  • Strength – You’re more resilient than you think.
  • The Magician – You already have everything you need to succeed.

For extra support, keep a confidence-boosting card on your desk, mirror, or altar. Pair it with a crystal like citrine (for self-belief) or tiger’s eye (for courage) to amplify its energy.

Step 4: Take Aligned Action

Tarot gives you insight, but real change happens when you act on it. After your reading, ask yourself:

~ What’s one small step I can take today to boost my confidence?

~ How can I show up for myself, even if I have doubts?

~ What would my highest self do right now?

Even tiny shifts—speaking kindly to yourself, setting a boundary, celebrating a win—can help rebuild self-trust.

Another powerful practice? Visualisation. Meditate on a Tarot card that embodies the energy you want to step into. Imagine being the character in the card. What do they know that you need to hear? What would they do next?

A Self-Doubt Releasing Ritual

If self-doubt is stubborn, try this simple but powerful ritual to clear it out:

You’ll need:

  • Your Tarot deck
  • A candle (white for clarity, yellow for confidence)
  • A piece of paper and a pen
  • A small bowl of water or salt


  1. Light the candle and take a few grounding breaths.
  2. Pull a card asking, What belief do I need to release? Write it down.
  3. Pull a second card asking, What new belief should I embrace? Reflect on its message.
  4. Hold the first paper over the flame (safely) and say: I release this doubt and step into my power. Drop it into the water or salt to extinguish.
  5. Keep the second card on your altar or bedside table as a reminder of your new mindset.


Self-doubt is part of being human, but it doesn’t have to run the show. Tarot can help you see yourself clearly, reconnect with your inner wisdom, and step forward with confidence.

Next time self-doubt whispers in your ear, grab your deck, pull a card, and remind yourself: I already have everything I need within me.

What’s your go-to Tarot card for confidence? Drop it in the comments—I’d love to hear!

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