Libra: Delving into the Sign of Balance, Fairness, and Justice

Libra: Delving into the Sign of Balance, Fairness, and Justice

As we’re deep into Libra season, what better time to delve into the mythology behind the sign and what lies beneath the exterior of those born under the sign of the scales?

If you were born between September 23rd and October 22nd, you’re a Libran, born under the sign of the scales. Libra is the only sign of the zodiac that is not depicted as an animal or person. Instead, the sign is represented by the scales, a symbol of balance and justice.

The mythology of Libra

In Greek mythology, Libra is associated with Themis, the goddess of justice, order, and, divine law, whose daughter Astraea became the constellation of Virgo in the heavens. Themis is often seen carrying a sword, which represents how she cuts and separates truth from lies. Themis was also a prophetic goddess who reigned over the ancient oracle at Delphi, a place where prophecies were given. It was there that she taught humankind about the laws of justice and morality, and became known for making wrongs right and restoring balance and order. Those who worshipped Themis would pray to her when they need justice restored in their lives. She would willingly give advice and make her wishes known, but if her advice was ignored, Themis would call on another goddess, Nemesis, to punish disobedience and maintain order.

Themis was the second wife of Zeus and together they had six children, all daughters; the three Horai (Dike, Eirene, and Eunomia, the goddesses of the seasons and time), and the three Morai (Atropos, Clotho, and Lachesis, known as the fates, who were thought to be in charge of the life path of all mortals).

Libra in Astrology

Libra is the 7th sign of the zodiac and it’s often associated with justice, balance, beauty, and harmony. Librans are said to be balanced, compassionate, diplomatic, detail-orientated, and moral.

Represented by the sign of the scales, Libra loves to create balance everywhere; in friends, partnerships, and in wider society. They can see everyone’s point of view which can make them seem indecisive, but they aren’t-they just like to weigh everything up before making a decision. Librans are also peacekeepers who hate confrontation.

Like their fellow air signs, Aquarius and Libra, they dream about ideals, and get upset about injustice and inequality, wherever it may be.

Librans also have an eye for what looks good; aesthetics are very important to them. So if you’re a Libran, a beautiful environment to live in is a must.

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