The Spiritual Significance of the Autumn Equinox

The Spiritual Significance of the Autumn Equinox

The autumn equinox, like the summer equinox (solstice) is a day where day and night are exactly equal in length. So on 22nd or 23rd September, depending on where you are in the Northern Hemisphere, you’ll get 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. But it’s not just an astronomical event, the autumn equinox has spiritual significance too.

What the autumn equinox means spiritually

It signifies balance and harmony

The equal amount of day and night symbolises balance and everything being in harmony. This means it’s a good time to reflect on the balance of our lives.

It’s a time to slow down and reflect

As we leave the bright summer energy behind, things slow down and many of us turn inward in the autumn. That’s no bad thing. Take time to get cosy and reflect on the year so far and what’s to come in your journal.

Be grateful

The equinox coincides with the harvest season, a time of abundance. Think about the abundance in your life and what you are grateful for.

Let go

The trees shedding their leaves is a great metaphor for letting things go to make room for new growth. What do you need to let go of as we go into a new season?

Connection with nature

As the leaves start displaying their rich autumnal colours, it’s a great time to get outside and spend some time in nature, contemplating the circle of life. Things die off in the autumn and winter only to be restored when spring brings renewal. Pay attention to the changes in nature that reflect the changes happening in yourself and your life.

Autumn equinox ancient folklore

  • In Greek mythology, the equinox is linked to the legend of Persephone and Demeter. The legend says that when autumn and winter began when Persephone descended into the underworld while her return signalled the start of spring and summer.
  • The Romans celebrated the goddess of fruits and growth, Pomona.
  • The Celts held feasts to honour the balance of nature and to celebrate the god Cernunnos, the horned god of the forest, and the goddess Modron, the goddess of motherhood and fertility.

 Rituals for the Autumn equinox

To connect with the natural rhythms of the season and to bring balance and harmony into your life, try these rituals.

Try a release ritual- write down anything you want to let go of on a piece of paper and burn it in a fireproof container. This symbolises release, letting go, and making space in your life for new things.

Set up an autumn altar- If you want to meditate or set intentions, an autumn altar with candles, crystals, leaves, and acorns can make a good focal point. Citrine, smoky quartz, or clear quartz are all great crystal choices for this season.

Bathe with relaxing herbs-Taking a relaxing bath with herbs like lavender can cleanse your energy and prepare you for the new season ahead.  

Burn incense-This will help cleanse your space and invite positive energy in. Consider using sage which repels negative energy and promotes inner harmony.  


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